
Friday Highs: 003

Highlights from the interwebs these past few weeks:

Can't get enough of Dangerdom's MCM Illustration board on Pinteres.

Get Outside: Park Butte

I took a break from the shop this weekend and did an overnight hike to Park Butte lookout in the Mt. Baker National Forest. It was truly one of the best hikes I've been on. It feels like you should have to hike for 3 days to get the views at Park Butte, but it only took about 3 hours.

Here's a Hyperlapse video of where our party camped... some in the lookout cabin, some in the tents just below. 

A Case for Books

Just in case (see what I did there?) you were thinking of going into the furniture making business, here's a beautiful nudge... 

This is the fully animated story of making four bookcases. The four cases are made from two pieces of walnut veneer plywood with almost no waste. The base for the cases is made from solid walnut with mitered corners The bookcases are 33 inches tall and 47 inches wide.

Friday Highs: 002

For your inspiration consideration, here are the high points of my internet travels this past few weeks:

  • Pascal Campion is an amazing illustrator. This guy's been publishing a “sketch” a day, Monday-Friday. Since 2006. Yeah. His ability to capture light, movement and story is pretty fantastic. Here’s a great write up  and video about him on The Fox Is Black.
Screenshot 2014-07-03 10.05.39.png

Friday Highs: 001

For your inspiration consideration, here are the high points of my internet travels this past week:

Illustrator of the week: Jared Chapman. Mid-Century-Modern influences? Yes and yes.

Illustrator of the week: Jared Chapman. Mid-Century-Modern influences? Yes and yes.

— Look, an info graphic with real info. Important info at that. We Can Do Better 

— The HTML5 header execution mind-bottling. Visage - Beautiful, Branded Reports 

— These guys have mastered the brush tool! Gentlemen of Letters - A Dublin Sign Painting Film on Vimeo 

— A new slab serif with some tasteful details and two free weights to try. Sanchez Slab (via Subtraction)

— Sister-Shop Crush of the week (you know, another print shop we wouldn't mind being pen-pals with): Spofford Press. Eric Hoffman is a talented printmaker.  Looking at his etchings, you can tell he loves what he does. AND has has an awesome brussels griffon. He and Eleanor would be pals.